
This release introduces several new features and configurations to enhance functionality and security. It also continues to squash tons of bugs to bring about CFML compatibility. Key updates include:

  • Enhanced arrayFind and arrayFindNoCase functions, allowing value closures to accept item indices.

  • New validBoxLangTemplates configuration for filtering templates processable by the Runnable Loader.

  • New validClassExtensions configuration to specify permissible class extensions.

  • A new security configuration section designed to disallow BIFs, Components, and Imports, enhancing security.

New Feature

BL-617 arrayFind, arrayFindNoCase value closures, accept the value and now the index of the item as the second param

BL-626 New configuration: validBoxLangTemplates to determine which templates the Runnable Loader can process

BL-627 New configuration: validClassExtensions to determine which class extensions to work with

BL-629 New security configuration section for disallowing: BIFS, Components, Imports

BL-630 Internal refactor to make the class locator and resolvers have a life-cycle based on the runtime and not alone


BL-611 Remove debugmode capture on miniserver, delegate to the core runtime.

BL-622 Consolidate CastAttempt and Attempt into a hierarchy

BL-623 New DynamicFunction type that can be used to generate dynamic BoxLang functions using Java Lambda proxies. Great for code generation


BL-614 Import nested classes

BL-615 Java static funcitons not behaving as expected

BL-616 array.find does not use cf rules to convert result of predicate to boolean

BL-619 QueryColumnType doesn't handle "idstamp" (mssql)

BL-620 static scope in application.cfc not initialized before psuedoConstructor runs

BL-624 Auto-escaping of {} in regex needs to ignore already-escaped braces

BL-625 Instead of removing special chars from Java FQN, replace with __ to avoid conflicts

BL-628 Tag expressions not parsing inside template island inside braces

BL-631 duplicate() doesn't work on empty structs

BL-633 randrange() not inclusive of upper bound

BL-634 array.find - can't cast closure to string

Last updated


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