Runtime Configuration

BoxLang has an installation-level configuration file which allows developers to adjust a wide range of settings from the compiler to default cache providers and runtime-wide datasources. You can adjust boxlang settings by placing a config/boxlang.json file in your BoxLang home directory.

Runtime Home Directory

By default, the BoxLang home directory is a .boxlang/ directory inside your user's home directory. For instance, on a Ubuntu machine this might be /home/elpete/.boxlang/ if you are executing BoxLang under the elpete user account.

The BoxLang home can be adjusted on startup via a --home flag:

java -jar boxlang-1.0.0-all.jar --home /path/to/boxlang-home

By allowing a custom home directory, you can manage multiple BoxLang runtimes and allow:

  1. custom, per-runtime configuration

  2. a custom set of BoxLang modules

  3. etc, etc.

Boxlang.json Reference

Here is a full reference of the current default boxlang.json file:

 * BoxLang Configuration File
 * The Available replacements are managed by the PlaceholderHelper class.
 * ${boxlang-home} - The BoxLang home directory
 * ${user-home} - The user's home directory
 * ${user-dir} - The user's current directory
 * ${java-temp} - The java temp directory
 * ${env.{variablename}:defaultValue} - The value of a valid environment variable or the default value
    // This puts the entire runtime in debug mode
    // Which will produce lots of debug output and metrics
    "debugMode": false,
    // The BoxPiler settings
    "compiler": {
        // Where all generated classes will be placed
        "classGenerationDirectory": "${boxlang-home}/classes"
    // The runtime settings
    "runtime": {
        // The default timezone for the runtime; defaults to the JVM timezone if empty
        // Please use the IANA timezone database values
        "timezone": "",
        // The default locale for the runtime; defaults to the JVM locale if empty
        // Please use the IETF BCP 47 language tag values
        "locale": "",
        // The request timeout for a request in milliseconds; 0 means no timeout
        "requestTimeout": 0,
        // A collection of BoxLang mappings, the key is the prefix and the value is the directory
        "mappings": {
            "/": "${user-dir}"
        // A collection of BoxLang module directories, they must be absolute paths
        "modulesDirectory": [
        // A collection of BoxLang custom tag directories, they must be absolute paths
        "customTagsDirectory": [
        // You can assign a global default datasource to be used in the language
        "defaultDasource": "",
        // The registered global datasources in the language
        // The key is the name of the datasource and the value is a struct of the datasource settings
        "datasources": {
            // "testDB": {
            // 	"driver": "derby",
            // 	"connectionString": "jdbc:derby:memory:testDB;create=true"
            // }
            // "testdatasource": {
            // 	"driver": "mysql",
            // 	"host": "localhost",
            // 	"port": 3306,
            // 	"database": "test"
            // }
        // The configuration for the BoxLang `default` cache.  If empty, we use the defaults
        "defaultCache": {},
		 * Register any named caches here.
		 * The key is the name of the cache and the value is the cache configuration.
		 * A `provder` property is required and the value is the name of the cache provider or the fully qualified class name.
		 * The `properties` property is optional and is a struct of properties that are specific to the cache provider.
        "caches": {
            "imports": {
                "provider": "BoxCacheProvider",
                "properties": {
                    "evictCount": 1,
                    "evictionPolicy": "LRU",
                    "freeMemoryPercentageThreshold": 0,
                    "maxObjects": 200,
                    "defaultLastAccessTimeout": 1800,
                    "defaultTimeout": 3600,
                    "objectStore": "ConcurrentStore",
                    "reapFrequency": 120,
                    "resetTimeoutOnAccess": false,
                    "useLastAccessTimeouts": true
	 * The BoxLang module settings
	 * The key is the module name and the value is a struct of settings for that specific module
	 * The `disabled` property is a boolean that determines if the module should be enabled or not
	 * The `settings` property is a struct of settings that are specific to the module and will be override the module settings
    "modules": {
        // The Compat Module
        "compat": {
            "disabled": false,
            "settings": {
                "isLucee": true,
                "isAdobe": true

Environment Variable Substitution

BoxLang supports environment variable substitution by using the syntax ${env.{environment_variable_name}:default}. For example, using ${env.MYSQL_HOST:localhost} will result in the value of the MYSQL_HOST environment variable, if found, or fall back to the localhost value if the environment variable is not defined.

Inside your boxlang.json configuration file, you can use this to populate datasource credential secrets:

    "runtime": {
        // ...
        "datasources": {
            "mySqlServerDB": {
                driver: "mssql",
                host: "localhost",
                port: "${env.MSSQL_PORT:1433}",
                database: "myDB",
                username: "${env.MSSQL_USERNAME:sa}",
                password: "${env.MSSQL_PASSWORD:123456Password}"

Last updated


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