Image Manipulation

BoxLang has an extensive and awesome image manipulation library that allows you to create and manipulate images with easy syntax. We cannot see every detail about image manipulation, but it is necessary to understand that this functionality is easy in BoxLang and exists.

Apart from core image functions, all functions can be applied to an image object as member functions. Yes, BoxLang allows you to deal with image objects natively.

imgObj = imageRead("");
cfimage(action="writeToBrowser", source=imgObj);

imgObj = imageRead("");
cfimage(action="writeToBrowser", source=imgObj);

imgObj = imageRead("");
cfimage(action="writeToBrowser", source=imgObj);

imgObj = imageRead("");
info =;

You can find some great samples here: and a listing of all manipulation functions here:

  • GetReadableImageFormats Returns a list of image formats that BoxLang can read on the operating system.

  • GetWriteableImageFormats Returns a list of image formats that BoxLang can write on the operating system.

  • ImageAddBorder Adds a rectangular border around the outside edge of a image.

  • ImageBlur Smooths image.

  • ImageCaptcha Creates a captcha image

  • ImageClearRect Clears the specified rectangle by filling it with the background color of the current drawing surface.

  • ImageCopy Copies a rectangular area of an image.

  • ImageCrop Crops a image to a specified rectangular area.

  • ImageDrawArc Draws a circular or elliptical arc.

  • ImageDrawBeveledRect Draws a rectangle with beveled edges.

  • ImageDrawCubicCurve Draws a cubic curve.

  • ImageDrawImage this function is deprecated, use ImagePaste instead. Draws a image on a image with the baseline of the first character positioned at (x,y) in the image.

  • ImageDrawLine Draws a single line defined by two sets of x and y coordinates on a image.

  • ImageDrawLines Draws a sequence of connected lines defined by arrays of x and y coordinates.

  • ImageDrawOval Draws an oval.

  • ImageDrawPoint Draws a point at the specified (x,y) coordinate.

  • ImageDrawQuadraticCurve Draws a curved line. The curve is controlled by a single point.

  • ImageDrawRect Draws a rectangle.

  • ImageDrawRoundRect Draws a rectangle with rounded corners.

  • ImageDrawText Draws a text string on a image with the baseline of the first character positioned at (x,y) in the image.

  • ImageFilter the function ImageFilter allows to execute a filter against a image.

  • ImageFilterColorMap These are passed to the function ImageFilters (see ImageFilter documentation) which convert gray values to colors.

  • ImageFilterCurves the curves for the wrap grid

  • ImageFilterKernel These are passed to the function ImageFilters

  • ImageFilterWarpGrid A warp grid. These are passed to the function ImageFilters (see ImageFilter documentation).

  • ImageFlip Flips an image across an axis.

  • ImageFonts return all available

  • ImageFormats return all available readers and writers

  • ImageGetBlob Retrieves the bytes of the underlying image. The bytes are in the same image format as the source image.

  • ImageGetBufferedImage Returns the java.awt.BufferedImage object underlying the current image.

  • ImageGetEXIFMetadata Retrieves the Exchangeable Image File Format (EXIF) headers in an image as a BoxLang structure.

  • ImageGetEXIFTag Retrieves the specified EXIF tag in an image.

  • ImageGetHeight Retrieves the height of the image in pixels.

  • ImageGetIptcMetadata Retrieves the International Press Telecommunications Council (IPTC )headers in a image as a struct. The IPTC metadata contains text that describes the image that is stored with it. IPTC metadata includes, but is not limited to, caption, keywords, credit, copyright, object name, created date, byline, headline, and source

  • ImageGetIPTCTag Retrieves the value of the IPTC tag for a image.

  • ImageGetWidth Retrieves the width of the specified image.

  • ImageGrayscale Converts a image to grayscale.

  • ImageInfo Returns a structure that contains information about the image, such as height, width, color model, size, and filename.

  • ImageNegative Inverts the pixel values of a image.

  • ImageNew Creates a image.

  • ImageOverlay Reads two source images and overlays the second source image on the first source image.

  • ImagePaste Takes two images and an (x,y) coordinate and draws the second image over the first image with the upper-left corner at coordinate (x,y).

  • ImageRead Reads the source pathname or URL and creates a image.

  • ImageReadBase64 Creates a image from a Base64 string.

  • ImageResize Resizes a image.

  • ImageRotate Rotates a image at a specified point by a specified angle.

  • ImageRotateDrawingAxis Rotates all subsequent drawing on a image at a specified point by a specified angle.

  • ImageScaleToFit Creates a resized image with the aspect ratio maintained.

  • ImageSetAntialiasing Switches antialiasing on or off in rendered graphics.

  • ImageSetBackgroundColor Sets the background color for the image. The background color is used for clearing a region. Setting the background color only affects the subsequent ImageClearRect calls

  • ImageSetDrawingAlpha Sets the current drawing alpha for images. All subsequent graphics operations use the specified alpha.

  • ImageSetDrawingColor Sets the current drawing color for images. All subsequent graphics operations use the specified color.

  • ImageSetDrawingStroke Sets the drawing stroke for points and lines in subsequent images.

  • ImageSetDrawingTransparency Specifies the degree of transparency of drawing functions.

  • ImageSharpen Sharpens a image by using the unsharp mask filter.

  • ImageShear Shears an image either horizontally or vertically.

  • ImageShearDrawingAxis Shears the drawing canvas.

  • ImageTranslate Copies an image to a new location on the plane.

  • ImageTranslateDrawingAxis Translates the origin of the image context to the point (x,y) in the current coordinate system.

  • ImageWrite Writes a image to the specified filename or destination.

  • ImageWriteBase64 Writes Base64 images to the specified filename and destination.

  • ImageWriteToBrowser Writes image to browser.

  • ImageXORDrawingMode Sets the paint mode of the image to alternate between the image's current color and the new specified color.

  • IsImage Determines whether a variable returns a image.

  • IsImageFile Verifies whether an image file is valid.

Last updated

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