August 23, 2024
We have really kicked into gear with this release, tackling a whopping 26 tickets and delivering some of our most aggressive features to date. This update signifies a significant leap forward towards a stable release in the Fall. Thank you for your continued support and stay tuned for more exciting developments!
New Features
BL-236 Phase I : Performance improvements for grammar and parser validation
We have been working with an amazing ANTLR expert: Jim Idle, and we have been able now after several months of hard work to merge in a complete update to our parsers. This has a massive performance increase between 5-10 times more performant than before. However, we are still not those, we have three more performance phases coming up!
BL-91 Support numeric literal separators in source code
We’ve added a small, but useful syntax to our BoxLang parser that comes from multiple other languages. Numeric placeholders allow you to place underscore characters (_
) inside of a numeric literal for readability. Take a number like this
That’s 1 billion. Or was it 1 million? Or maybe it was 100 million… pauses to re-count. With numeric place holders, your code can look like this:
Ahh, so it was 1 billion! There’s no rules on where you can place the underscores, so long as they are INSIDE the number and not leading or trailing. Heck, this is valid (though pointless):
You can also place numeric separators in decimals
and in the exponent of scientific notation
These underscores are simply thrown away at compile time. They are not represented in the bytecode and will not appear anywhere in your running app. They are purely for readability in your source code.
BL-457 Add static assignment modifier
You can now use the static
assignment modifier in your code:
which is sugar for
and validate at runtime there is actually a static scope, or throw an exception.
BL-458 Add final modifier to classes
You can now use the final
modifier in your classes
which is sugar for:
This means that your classes will not be able to be inherited from.
BL-459 final modifier for UDFs
Your UDFs can now also be declared as final
which will set the function as final
into the scope it gets registered into. Any additional function declarations with the same OR ATTEMPTS TO SET A VARIABLE OF THAT NAME will result in an error.
BL-460 Add final assignment modifier for variables
You can now add final
assignment modifers to variables in your code:
this, of course, can be used with other modifiers
The only 2 modifiers that can’t be used together are var
and static
since they represent different scopes.
When a variable is declared as final
, the scope it is being set into will track a list of keys that are designated as final
, and will prevent those keys from being modified in the future.
This is ONLY a feature of scopes. Structs and other struct-like container will not have a final concept.
The following example
cannot be mutated OR re-assigned.
You can see the Set of final keys for a scope via the meta object
You can also remove keys from the set to make a variable no longer final.
BL-469 DynamicInterop now filters non-callable methods when invoking and matching thus accelerating lookups considerably
BL-438 Zip Utility & compress(), extract(), isZipFile() bifs
BoxLang now speaks Zip language. We have added zip
and gzip
capabilities to the core. This will allow us to leverage compression and extraction for modular activites, jar installations, logging, and much more. We have also created the following BIFS available to you:
compress( format, source, destination, [includeBaseFolder=true], overwrite=false )
- Compress a source to a destination using available compression formats.extract( format, source, destination, [overwrite=false], [recurse=true], [filter], [entryPaths] )
- Extract a zip/gzip archive to a destination with nice options.isZipFile( filepath )
: Determines if the passed file can be treated as a zip archive.
We support the following formats:
More formats will be available for our +/++ subscribers.
Please note also that the filter
arguments can be the following:
A valid regular expression string:
A BoxLang closure or lambda
(name) => name.endsWith(".txt")
Receives the full path of the entry
A Java Predicate:
(entry) -> entry.getName().endsWith(".txt")
Receives the
In our next betas we will have a the Zip
component which will allow you to do the following:
Compress Files
Extract Files
List File Entries
Delete File Entries
Read File Entries
Read Binary File Entries
Much More.
BL-447 java.math.BigInteger caster
We had a BigDecimal
caster, now we have a BigInteger
caster. Not only that, we can correctly coerce Java interop calls for BigDecimal and BigInteger.
BL-433 Allow the incorrect foo..bar syntax that Adobe allows for
BL-446 Cache sets() and getOrSets() does not accept duration in seconds alongside Duration objects.
BL-455 Enhance ClassMetadataVisitor
BL-468 Enhance feature audit to track QoQ separate
BL-456 Validate var outside of a function
BL-463 Support Adob'e loose comma parsing in their generic tag-in-script syntax
BL-465 Enhance errors for identifiers starting with numbers
BL-470 File And Directory BIFs to auto-expand received paths
BL-431 Support variable starting with number
BL-461 Compatible encryption with lucee/acf
BL-462 replace() and replaceNoCase() should accept "one" not "once" for the scope
BL-464 tag comments not parsing inside output tag in template parsers
BL-466 parsing fails with extra whitespace in closing output tag
BL-467 <cfset and <bx:set fail if not followed by a space
BL-472 Debugger breakpoints not working regression
BL-473 BoxLang Error is not readable
BL-454 Tag island Templating outputs in unexpected order
Last updated
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