This segment is where you can configure the security elements of BoxLang under the securityblock in the boxlang.json
// These are the security settings for the runtime
"security": {
// All regex patterns are case-insensitive
// A list of regex patterns that will match class paths, and if matched, execution will be disallowed
// This applies to import statements, createObject, new, and class creation
// Ex: "disallowedImports": ["java\\.lang\\.(ProcessBuilder|Reflect", "java\\.io\\.(File|FileWriter)"]
"disallowedImports": [],
// A list of BIF names that will be disallowed from execution
// Ex: "disallowedBifs": ["createObject", "systemExecute"]
"disallowedBifs": [],
// A list of Component names that will be disallowed from execution
// Ex: "disallowedComponents": [ "execute", "http" ]
"disallowedComponents": [],
// An explicit whitelist of file extensions that are allowed to be uploaded - overrides any values in the disallowedWriteExtensions
"allowedFileOperationExtensions": [],
// The list of file extensions that are not allowed to be uploaded. Also enforced by file relocation operations ( e.g. copy/move )
"disallowedFileOperationExtensions": [
Allowed File Operation Extensions
An explicit whitelist of file extensions that are allowed to be uploaded - overrides any values in the disallowedWriteExtensions
"allowedFileOperationExtensions": [],
Disallowed Imports
An array of regex patterns (case-sensitive) that will try to be matched to imports or to creation of classes. If they match the patterns a security exception wil be thrown.