CFML to BoxLang Transpiler

Transpile your CFML code to BoxLang.

This CLI tool will allow you to transpile your CFML code into BoxLang native code. This is a great way to move forward and leverage BoxLang for your future projects. It will also transpile your Tag-based CFCs into the script.


Make sure you have installed the OS version of BoxLang so you get all the tools installed as well. Please note that the action command funnels through the boxlang binary, so you can use all the CLI arguments for boxlang runner.

You can call the tool using our script or the full path to the jar.

// Using the script
boxlang cftranspile <options here>

// Using the full path to the jar
java -cp boxlang-1.0.0-all.jar ortus.boxlang.compiler.CFTranspiler  <options here>


// Using the script
boxlang cftranspile 
    --source /path/to/file.cfc 
    --target /path/to/file.bx

// Using the full path
java -cp boxlang-1.0.0-all.jar ortus.boxlang.compiler.CFTranspiler 
--source /path/to/file.cfc 
--target /path/to/file.bx

(If you leave off the target file extension, the tool will automatically append the correct one based on the source file type). You can also convert an entire folder like so:

// Using the script
boxlang cftranspile
    --source /path/to/CF/code 
    --target /path/to/BL/code 

// Using the full path
java -cp boxlang-1.0.0-all.jar ortus.boxlang.compiler.CFTranspiler 
--source /path/to/CF/code 
--target /path/to/BL/code 

Known issues right now are

  • It may not have the same whitespace you had in the original source. Since our Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) doesn’t store whitespace from script-based code, you’ll get whatever formatting the tool applies. That said, we do plan to make some of that configurable in regards to tabs v, spaces, etc.

  • ALL function and class annotations are converted to the new @foo bar syntax, but we’ll update that eventually to keep inline annotations as inline and only move CF “JavaDoc” style annotations to pre-annotations.

  • All CFCs will be converted to script. This is designed as BoxLang plans to enforce classes to only be written in script.

CLI Options

  • --source path A file or directory to transpile to BoxLang

  • --target path The target file or directory to store the new BoxLang source. Extension not required.

  • --stopOnError or --stopOnError boolean Stop execution if an error is encountered or continue processing. Defaults to false

Last updated


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