
Power your mission-critical and enterprise applications with CommandBox

CommandBox is a standalone, native tool for Windows, Mac, and Linux that provides a Command-Line Interface (CLI) for developer productivity, tool interaction, package management, embedded JEE server, application scaffolding, and sweet ASCII art.

It seamlessly integrates to work with any of Ortus Solutions *Box products, but it is also open to extensibility for any BoxLang or ColdFusion (CFML) project. We have created a special servlet runtime for CommandBox so you can leverage it to deploy mission-critical and high-traffic web applications. We go even further with CommandBox PRO as part of our BoxLang subscriptions to give you tons of features like JDK management, Multi-site support, Multi-SSL support, Operating System service manager, SNI support, CAC Support, and so much more.

Install the Module

CommandBox neds (for the moment) the commandbox-boxlang module to start BoxLang servers. So let's go ahead and install it:

install commandbox-boxlang

This will add the right file types and handlers to CommandBox for BoxLang.

Start up a Server

This guide is short and sweet. The hard part has been done. Now, you can start a BoxLang server like any other CommandBox server. So go to the webroot of your choosing and run:

server start cfengine=boxlang javaVersion=openjdk21_jdk

Enjoy your server!

Server Home

Like any other CommandBox server, the servers will be stored in your setup's CommandBox Home. The boxlang.json, class folders, and modules will all be installed here.

Installing BoxLang Modules

Just like with any server, you can also install modules into the BoxLang server.

install bx-mysql, bx-derby

That's it. CommandBox knows where to put them and manage them.


You can also make your CommandBox BoxLang server portable with a server.json file:

        // The BoxLang Engine
        // Portable Home if you want, or ignore it to place it under the
        // CommandBox Home
    // Any Environment variables
        // "BOXLANG_DEBUG" : true
    // Install these modules on installation
    "scripts" : {
 	"onServerInitialInstall":"install bx-mail,bx-mysql,bx-derby,bx-compat"

Environment Variables

The servlet/CommandBox runtime uses the same env variables as the core OS. You can find them here.

pageRunning BoxLang

Runtime Source Code

The runtime source code can be found here:

We welcome any pull requests, testing, docs, etc.

Last updated


Copyright & Register Trademark by Ortus Solutions, Corp & Ortus Software, LLC